(1) Next, after fourteen years I again went up to Jerusalem, taking along with [me] Barnabas and Titus. (2) According to a revelation, I went up and declared to them the Good News which I am preaching among the nations, according to what they themselves gave, lest somehow I had run--or am running--in vain. (3) Not even Titus who was with me, who is a Greek man, was strongly urged to get circumcised. (4) Through these sneaky, false-brothers, some slipped in spying out the freedom we have in Messiah Jesus in order that we might be enslaved. (5) Not even for a moment did we yield to the subjugation in order that the truth of the Good News should remain with you all. (6) But from those seeming to be something (as what they formerly were means nothing to me)--God shows no favoritism--for they added nothing to me, (7) but on the contrary they were seeing that I had been entrusted the Good News to the uncircumcised just as Peter to the circumcised. (8) For the one who worked with Peter in apostleship of the circumcised also worked in me among the Gentiles. (9) Knowing the grace given to me, James, Cephas and John–-those who seemed to be pillars–-rightly gave to me and Barnabas a gift in order that we [should go] to the nations, but they [should go] to the circumcised, (10) only making sure that we are remembering the poor (which is the very thing I was eager to do). (11) but when Cephas came to Antioch I opposed him to his face since his behavior was not above reproach. (12) For before, some came from James to eat with the Gentiles, but when they arrived, drawing back and separating himself, [he was] fearing those from the circumcised. (13) The remaining Jews were joining with him in his hypocrisy so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led away. (14) But when I said that they are not acting in line with the truth of the Good News, I said to Cephas in front of all of them, "You are a Jew behaving in Gentile fashion and not living as a Jew. How are you compelling the Gentiles to live as Jews?" (15) We are by nature Jews and not sinners from among the Gentiles. (16) For you know that a man is not righteous from works of the Law but only through the faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah, and we have come to trust in Messiah Jesus in order that we should be declared righteous by the faithfulness of Messiah and not from works of the Law, for from works of the Law no one will be justified. (17) But if, seeking to be declared righteous in Messiah we ourselves also were found to be sinners, is Messiah a servant to sin? Absolutely not! (18) For if I build up again what I destroyed I commend myself a transgressor, (19) for through the Law I died to the Law in order that I should live in God. I have been crucified with Messiah. (20) I no longer live, but Messiah is living in me. What I am now living in the flesh, by entrustment I am living for the Son of God who perpetually loved me and gave Himself for me. (21) I am not declaring the grace of God invalid, for if there is righteousness through the Law, then Messiah died without cause.