(1) O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your eyes Jesus Messiah was publicly portrayed as crucified. (2) This alone I want to learn from you: did you receive the Spirit from works of the Law or on account of trusting [God]? (3) You are so foolish! Beginning with the Spirit, have you finished in the Flesh? (4) Did you all suffer so many things for no purpose, if indeed it was for no purpose? (5) For did The One granting the Spirit and producing power in you do so by works of the Law or on account of trust? (6) Just as Abraham "trusted in God and a righteousness was accounted to him," (7) you all know that those who are of trust are sons of Abraham. (8) The Scriptures foretold that, by trusting, a righteousness of God would be extended to Gentiles, having been preached beforehand by Abraham that "every Gentile will be blessed through you," (9) so that they, by trusting, are blessed with the [same] faithfulness of Abraham. (10) Therefore, as many as are relying upon works of the Law, they are under a curse. For it is written that "cursed are all who do not remain doing what was written in the books of the Law." (11) But it is clear that no one is justified by the Law before God, since "the righteous will live through trusting." (12) But [keeping] the Law is not [necessarily] by trusting, but the person doing these things will live by them. (13) Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written, "Cursed are all who hang upon a tree." (14) That for the Gentiles the blessing of Abraham came in Christ in order that the promise of the Spirit would be received through trusting. (15) Brothers, I'm speaking in human terms: after a man has ratified a contract no one nullifies it or adds to it. (16) But to Abraham and to his Seed the promises were spoken. It did not say "also to the Seeds" (as to the many), but rather concerning the one, "and to your Seed." (17) I'm saying this: the Law–-430 years later–-did not nullify the covenant [of Abraham] previously ratified by God, rendering The Promise ineffectual. (18) For if an inheritance comes from the Law, it is no longer a promise. But God has freely given to Abraham through a promise. (19) Then what are we to make of the Law? It was added for the sake of transgressions, until The Seed, which had been promised, would come. It was enacted through angels by a mediator. (20) There is not one mediator [only]; but God is one. (21) Is the Law, therefore, against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if a law had been given which was able to give life, righteousness indeed was from the Law. (22) But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin in order that the Promise, by trusting in Jesus Messiah, should be given to those who are trusting. (23) Now before faith came, we were held confined under the Law, being imprisoned, till The Faith was about to be revealed. (24) The Law served as our tutor until Messiah [came], in order that we might be justified by trusting [in Him]. (25) We are no longer under a tutor now since Faith has come, (26) for you are all children of God through trusting in Messiah, Jesus. (27) For as many are baptized, you have clothed yourselves in Messiah. (28) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female, for you are all One in Christ Jesus. (29) If you are of Messiah then you are the seed of Abraham--heirs according to The Promise.