The vision for Kerygma21 came out of a desire to equip God's people to better understand the wonders of God's Word and to equip believers with tools to share and defend their faith. This ministry exists to aid Christians in "proclaiming Christ in the 21st century." KERYGMA was the Koine Greek word often translated ''proclamation" or "message." From a Christian point of view, it referred to the content of the "Good News." In essence, it was what was preached by the earliest Christ-followers. Today we can think of the kerygma as roughly synonymous with the "Gospel" (or "Good News"). The 21 in Kerygma21 stands for our modern context: the twenty-first century. The reason this seemingly redundant numeral is included in the name is to simply signify the unending need for the Gospel to be proclaimed in every generation till Christ returns. It may in fact be the case that nearly one in every three people on the globe professes faith in Christ, but the urgency for the Gospel to be proclaimed, taught and defended is no less urgent today than it was twenty centuries ago. Christ is calling his followers to lovingly and boldly share and defend His Lordship and the redemptive message of the cross. We're truly in a "world of hurt" and Jesus is our ONLY HOPE.
Who is Jeremy Wallace and why should you care?
Well, we're not sure why you should care, but he is certainly many things: educator, minister, author, theologian, husband and father.
EDUCATOR From 2001-2017 Dr. Wallace was Professor of Ministry at Canby Bible College (CBC), where he also served as Dean of the College (2005-2017). As Dean of CBC, he oversaw the spiritual growth and leadership development of students, as well as their matriculation from student orientation all the way to graduation. Of the many courses he taught at CBC, his favorites included Church History, Doctrines, Foundations of Ministry, Intro to Apologetics and Canons, Creeds & Covenants. Dr. J currently teaches Biblical Interpretation atLife Pacific University, Christian Worldview, Culture and Apologetics, Leadership for Team Ministries, and Spiritual Formation and Discipleship at Oral Roberts University. He also teachesBiblical Background & Interpretation, Engaging Contemporary Culture, The Spirit-formed Leader, and Christian Worldview at The King's University & Seminary.
MINISTER With over 26 years of ministry experience, Pastor Jeremy spent 17 years on the pastoral staff of Canby Foursquare Church (CFC) in beautiful Canby, Oregon. He was ordained into the Foursquare denomination in the Fall of 2002. During his tenure at CFC Jeremy had the pleasure of serving in the roles of College-Age Pastor (2001-2005), Worship Pastor (2005-2007; 2013-2015) and Associate Pastor (2007-2013, 2015-2017). Jeremy served the North Pacific District (2013-2016) on licensing panels and serves nationally as the Editorial Chair for the Executive Committee of the Foursquare Scholars Fellowship. Dr. J is currently the pastor of The Southside Community (2018-), a Foursquare missional congregation in South Tulsa. THEOLOGIAN Although his interests in theology can be traced back to his adolescence, Dr. J became "serious" about his scholastic pursuits in theology well after graduating seminary and well into the pastorate. His published works and academic paper presentations are within the fields of practical theology, ministry leadership, apologetics, systematic theology, spiritual formation and Christian education. He is the current Journal Editor of QUADRUM, the Foursquare Scholars Fellowship academic journal. Jeremy is an active member in a number of academic societies, including the Evangelical Theological Society, the Society for Pentecostal Studies, the Association of Practical Theology, the Foursquare Scholars Fellowship and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. In 2017 Dr. Wallace published original research in the American University Studies series with Peter Lang International Publishers. His published books include Serving God and Man: An Introduction to Christian Ministry and Measuring Change: Transformational Outcomes in Christian Education.
HUSBAND AND FATHER Dr. J is married to his bright, spontaneous and creative wife, Rebeka. Married for 18 years, Jeremy and Rebeka have thoroughly loved raising their 3 daughters and 1 son. They love spending time together, whether watching movies within the confines of their home or hopping in their minivan and taking road-trips.